Strawberries & Cream Cake

strawberries and cream, strawberry sponge, loaf cake, sponge cake, cozebakes, easy food recipe, strawberry sponge cake

I spotted this lovely, traditional style loaf cake on the front of the Easy Food magazine and it immediately caught my attention. Topped with fresh cream and delicious strawberries, it’s perfect for a summer tea.

I took a quick peek inside to see how they made the cake and was delighted to see they used layers of fresh strawberries in between the batter mix which gives such a lovely red and cream marble effect when you cut slices. It’s a dense enough sponge cake so it will take an hour in the oven to bake.

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Orange or Lemon Drizzle Gluten Free Cake

gluten free cake, gluten free drizzle cake, gluten free orange drizzle cake, citrus cake, cozebakes, dairy free cake, loaf cake

This recipe originally called for a chocolate coating (it was a variation of the traditional) but it was so light and delicious that I felt it would have ruined it to cover it completely with chocolate and that you might miss out on the lovely citrus kick. You can make this as the traditional Lemon Drizzle Cake but it works really well using orange for a change 🙂

A few suggestions before you start baking:

  • Go for an extra citrus kick by using the zest of 2 oranges or one each lemon and orange
  • Make the cake dairy free by using almond, coconut or soya milk and dairy free spread
  • You could add a good handful of chocolate chips to the batter at the very end but fold gently

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Best Banana Loaf Recipe

banana bread, banana loaf, banana cake, banana and chocolate chip, loaf tin, cozebakes, pecans

I love how versatile this recipe is and it’s so easily adapted to suit your own personal taste. It’s originally from BBC Good Food and I’ve made it with chocolate chips, with pecan pieces, walnut pieces and for a more decadent taste, with cut up dates. Just delicious!

If like me you prefer to reduce sugar quantities in your bakes, then make sure your bananas are really, really ripe – black actually as they will be so sweet that you can easily reduce the sugar content and it won’t be noticed. The original recipe had a substantial sugar content and I found it extremely sweet so that the banana flavour was almost lost.

If you are looking for a gluten free option, just search the gluten free category for another delicious banana loaf recipe which will impress!

banana bread, banana loaf, banana cake, banana and chocolate chip, loaf tin, cozebakes, pecans Continue reading

Nutella Chocolate Traybake

I’ll give you a little warning before you make this cake. It’s rich, it’s full on and it’s for true chocolate lovers. It’s really gooey and has a surprise centre of soft, creamy Nutella just for extra decadence!

I make this recipe in a baking tray so it can be cut into squares to share out.

You need 16 tablespoons of Nutella and it’s easiest to spray the measuring spoon with some oil beforehand to make it simpler to measure out without ending up covered in sticky Nutella 🙂

chocolate nutella squares, nutella, chocolate, traybake, nutella squares Continue reading

Lemon Victoria Sponge Cake

This fantastic recipe comes from the legend that is Mary Berry. Her sponge cakes are one of the best I’ve ever made. The secret to a wonderful sponge is not so much the ingredients as the method. There are a couple of things to do and they will result in a lovely light sponge that rises beautifully. What else could you ask for?!

victoria sponge cake, lemon sponge cake, lemon victoria sponge cake, mary berry recipe, cozebakes, celebration cake, party cake, birthday cake Continue reading

Celebration Chocolate Victoria Sponge Cake

This is a lovely light sponge cake and can be made in the “all in one” method. Personally, I still like to give the butter and sugar a separate beating first but with this great Mary Berry recipe, you can add the rest of the ingredients and just mix really well. A hand mixer is fine too.

As I was going to be adding buttercream in the middle and the top, I felt this light chocolate cake was a better choice than a rich, dark one. Instead of all buttercream filling, I used my cream cheese filling in the centre to combat the sweet buttercream around the edges and on the top. It worked really well too.

I made some rippled meringue kisses so used those to decorate plus a few Lindt Strawberry filled chocolates and finished with freeze dried raspberries.

sponge cake, chocolate victoria sponge, mary berry recipe, cozebakes, celebration cake, all in one method, simple cake recipe, birthday cake, cake recipe Continue reading

Lemon & Blueberry Madeira with Cream Cheese Frosting

This is a basic madeira cake recipe that never fails to be perfect with a cuppa. As I’m such a huge lemon fan and had a punnet of blueberries in the fridge, I decided to add these in for a little change to the plain madeira recipe. I also had one tub of Philadelphia Cream Cheese in the fridge which was going to run out of date, so that became the icing.

Definitely worth making this cake. It’s a perfect tea time treat, a lovely birthday cake and great to bring to someone’s house as a gift. If you don’t want to have a Cream Cheese Frosting, just make up icing using Icing Sugar and a little water or lemon juice and once the cake is cool, drizzle this over the top.

lemon blueberry, madeira cake, lemon madeira, lemon blueberry madeira, cream cheese, cream cheese frosting, cozebakes Continue reading

Cherry Shortbread Hearts – Gluten Free

gluten free shortbread, shortbread hearts, gluten free biscuits, cherry biscuits, gluten free cherry biscuits, cozebakes

Tried out these gluten free shortbread hearts as they looked so delicious and gluten free shortbread can be difficult to get right. A few things needed to be adapted to get it right but after that, they worked really well and are totally delicious and addictive!

They don’t have to be heart shaped but they do look just lovely like this and are a great gift to box up and give to someone you love.

gluten free shortbread, shortbread hearts, gluten free biscuits, cherry biscuits, gluten free cherry biscuits, cozebakes Continue reading

Iced Lemon Traybake

This is a recipe from Mary Berry’s Baking Bible. It’s a traybake which always work so well when you have a crowd or when you have to transport your bakes as they can be left in the tin till ready to serve.

You get the lightest, just like pieces of lemony clouds once you follow the steps. It’s a very simple recipe which has never failed to go down really well. The topping originally is a lemon flavoured icing but if you prefer, make up a drizzle with caster sugar, heated with a little water to which you add the zest of a lemon and spoon over the top of the still warm sponge. Deelish!

iced lemon traybake, mary berry recipe, lemon traybake, lemon drizzle, traybakes, cozebakes, simple recipes, baking for parties Continue reading

Sticky Toffee Pudding Cake

sticky toffee pudding, toffee cake, cozebakes, showstopper cake, celebration cakes

Totally delicious and a real show stopper! This is how you impress your guests! This is a fantastic recipe which is perfect for a party or a celebration cake. It’s a twist on Sticky Toffee Pudding in cake form and it keeps really well, wrapped in tin foil (out of the fridge) for several days.

See the bottom of the page for alternative serving suggestions and a tip or two that might help

sticky toffee pudding, toffee cake, cozebakes, showstopper cake, celebration cakes Continue reading

Iced Lemon Polenta Mini Cakes

iced lemon polenta, polenta cake, gluten free buns, gluten free cakes, wheat free cakes, lemon cakes, gluten free lemon polenta, cozebakes

A very delicious gluten and wheat free recipe full of gorgeous lemon flavor and topped with a fabulous lemon icing. These Iced Lemon Polenta Cakes look so dainty and lovely. Topped with an edible viola each, you will have a perfect Afternoon Tea treat for you and your guests.

They do have a more crunchy texture due to the polenta and some people find this different but it’s a good different 🙂

iced lemon polenta, polenta cake, gluten free buns, gluten free cakes, wheat free cakes, lemon cakes, gluten free lemon polenta, cozebakes Continue reading

Hot Cross Bun Cupcakes

When I read this recipe from Baking Heaven, I was really happy to see that you don’t need yeast to make them so you still get all that lovely Hot Cross Buns flavour but a much lighter result and if you have issues with yeast like I do, then you don’t miss out either 🙂

I used baking cups but you can also use cupcake cases and you will need a piping bag and plain nozzle to get the cross effect on the finished cupcake. If you don’t have them, use a sandwich bag and cut a small piece off the end.

hot cross bun cupcakes, cozebakes, easter bakes, hot cross buns, no yeast bakes, baking heaven magazine Continue reading